Poster Session

02 December 2024 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM | 304/305 Foyer

Poster Setup: Monday 12:00 PM - 04:00 PM

Poster authors: view poster presentation guidelines and set-up instructions online.

13262-24 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Quantifying nitrogen oxide emissions from geostationary satellite

Author(s): Yi-Chun Chen, Academia Sinica (Taiwan)

13262-26 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Analysis of slant path simulation effect for the all-sky using 1DVAR system

Author(s): Dabin Yeom, Ewha Womans Univ. (Korea, Republic of); Ji-Soo Kim, Seoul National Univ. (Korea, Republic of); Tae-Myung Kim, Womans Univ. (Korea, Republic of); Hyung-Wook Chun, Korea Meteorological Administration (Korea, Republic of); Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Ewha Womans Univ. (Korea, Republic of)

13262-27 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Greenhouse gas measurement using a mobile FTS during ASIA-AQ

Author(s): Minju Kang, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Ewha Womans Univ. (Korea, Republic of); Mina Kang, The City College of New York (United States), NOAA-Ctr. for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies (United States); Young-Seok Oh, National Institute of Meteorological Sciences (Korea, Republic of)

13262-28 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

NO₂ validation during the NASA Asia-Air Quality Flight Campaign with an experimental portable DOAS (PDOAS) at Kaohsiung

Author(s): Feng Zhang, Univ. of Maryland, College Park (United States); Changyong Cao, NOAA Ctr. for Satellite Applications and Research, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (United States); Tung-Chang Liu, Xi Shao, Univ. of Maryland, College Park (United States); Jan-Lukas Tirpitz, Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United States); Shobha Kondragunta, NOAA Ctr. for Satellite Applications and Research, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (United States); Yucheng Chang, Central Weather Administration (Taiwan)

13262-30 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Estimation of PM Concentrations in the Philippines Using Sentinel-5P and Artificial Neural Network

Author(s): Ma. Angelica S. De Hitta, Ellison C. Castro, Philippine Space Agency (Philippines); Mark Jayson B. Felix, Scion (New Zealand); Ariel C. Blanco, Philippine Space Agency (Philippines)

13262-31 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Short-term spatiotemporal trends in air pollutant concentrations within metro Manila during the 2020 Taal volcanic activity

Author(s): Jazzie Jao, Jejomar Bulan, Edgar Vallar, De La Salle Univ. (Philippines); Ibrahim Hameed, Norwegian Univ. of Science andTechnology (Norway); Maria Cecilia Galvez, De La Salle Univ. (Philippines)

13262-36 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Investigating the wintertime evolution of the atmospheric bohrththfdghundary layer thermodynamic structure in Southern Taiwan

Author(s): Lin Hung, Chian-Yi Liu, Academia Sinica (Taiwan); Sheng-Chia Chang, Shen-Cha Hsu, Meng Yue Lin, National Central Univ. (Taiwan)

13262-37 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Deep-learning-based downscaling of gross primaryproductivity

Author(s): Dong Li, Rui Li, Binbin Song, Univ. of Science and Technology of China (China)

13262-38 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

The role of artificial intelligence in enhancing precision larger scale manufacturing in optics for Space exploration technologies

Author(s): Hsing-Yu Wu, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan)

13262-39 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Applications of segmented optics technology in environmental atmospheric monitoring

Author(s): Hsing-Yu Wu, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan); Jin-Cherng Hsu, Fu Jen Catholic Univ. (Taiwan); Shao-Rong Huang, National Central Univ. (Taiwan)

13263-24 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Improving self-supervised segmentation of urban scenes using NDSM-enhanced CRF

Author(s): Kevin Qiu, Fraunhofer-Institut für Optronik, Systemtechnik und Bildauswertung IOSB (Germany); Lars Wagenbach, Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany); Dimitri Bulatov, Fraunhofer-Institut für Optronik, Systemtechnik und Bildauswertung IOSB (Germany); Dorota Iwaszczuk, Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany)

13263-25 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Using Sentinel-2 SWIR to remove forest fire smoke

Author(s): Yu-Wen Li, Yi-Hsin Chung, Li-Yu Chang, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan)

13263-26 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Flood hazard monitoring and damage assessment using multi satellite data

Author(s): Aprizal Verdyansyah, Tang Huang Lin, National Central Univ. (Taiwan)

13263-28 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Characteristics of the texture index of damaged buildings using high-resolution satellite images due to the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake

Author(s): Masashi Sonobe, Nihon Univ. (Japan)

13263-29 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Evaluating parameter sensitivity in Community Earth System Model (CESM) simulations of Hulunbuir Grassland using Extended Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test (EFAST)

Author(s): Xinyu Chen, Aerospace Information Research Institute (China), Univ. of Chinese Academy of Sciences (China); Xiaohua Zhu, Lingling Ma, Aerospace Information Research Institute (China)

13263-30 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Applying precise point positioning method and multiple sensors to monitor the land subsidence in Taiwan (Invited Paper)

Author(s): Ta-Kang Yeh, Tsu-Yu Lee, National Taipei Univ. (Taiwan); I-Hsian Lee, National Central Univ. (Taiwan); Jiun-Yee Yen, National Dong Hwa Univ. (Taiwan); Chuen-Fa Ni, National Central Univ. (Taiwan)

13263-31 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Performance analysis of SAR polarimetric calibration using hybrid corner reflectors: a numerical simulation approach

Author(s): Chiung-Shen Ku, National Taipei Univ. of Technology (Taiwan); Meng-Che Wu, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan); Cheng-Yen Chiang, National Taipei Univ. of Technology (Taiwan)

13263-32 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Reconstructing missing data in historical Landsat images using advanced deep learning algorithms

Author(s): Masoud B. Ataabadi, Queen's Univ. (Canada); Darren Pouliot, Environment and Climate Change Canada (Canada); Dongmei Chen, Queen's Univ. (Canada)

13263-33 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Enhancing automated classification for efficient ground cover analysis with UAV imagery and machine learning in civil construction projects

Author(s): Brett Kohlmann, Zhenyu Zhang, Univ. of Southern Queensland (Australia)

13263-34 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Using multi-temporal and multiscale satellite imagery for disaster response: case studies in Sentinel Asia and TASA

Author(s): Kehsin Huang, ShihChieh Chou, Lihsueh Chang, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan)

13264-20 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Temporal and spatial variability of sea surface temperature, sea level anomaly, and water quality along the Northwestern Coast of Taiwan

Author(s): Qian-Zhu Hao, Po-Chun Hsu, Ctr. for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central Univ. (Taiwan)

13264-21 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Performance of a portable fluorescence lidar system with regional Chl-a derivation algorithms: a case study of Chiba, Japan

Author(s): Jumar Cadondon, Univ. of the Philippines Visayas (Philippines), De La Salle Univ. (Philippines); Jejomar Bulan, Edgar Vallar, Maria Cecilia Galvez, De La Salle Univ. (Philippines); Shiina Tatsuo, Chiba Univ. (Japan)

13264-22 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Deriving optical water quality from GCOM-C/SGLI remote sensing reflectance

Author(s): Eko Siswanto, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (Japan)

13264-24 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Sea surface temperature trends in marginal seas of the Asian Continent

Author(s): Yu-Hao Tseng, Chung-Ru Ho, National Taiwan Ocean Univ. (Taiwan); Ching-Yuan Lu, Pyras Technology Inc. (Taiwan)

13264-25 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Nearshore bathymetry derived from a synergy of ICESat-2 and optical satellites in Southern Penghu

Author(s): Chun-Chuen Huang, Kuo-Hsin Tseng, National Central Univ. (Taiwan)

13264-26 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Advanced algorithm for estimating sea surface salinity in the East China Sea during the summer season using GOCI-II data

Author(s): Hyun-Jin Yang, Young-Heon Jo, Pusan National Univ. (Korea, Republic of)

13264-27 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Sea surface salinity monitoring in the East China Sea using geostationary satellite

Author(s): Eunna Jang, Jong-Kuk Choi, Jae-Hyun Ahn, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (Korea, Republic of)

13264-28 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Evaluating the spatial suitability for seaweed aquaculture through ocean color remote sensing in Lombok, Indonesia

Author(s): Md Rakesur Rahman, Jong-Kuk Choi, Korea Ocean Satellite Ctr., Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (Korea, Republic of), Univ. of Science and Technology (Korea, Republic of); Hansan Park, Korea-Indonesia Marine Technology Cooperation Research Ctr., Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (Indonesia)

13264-29 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Estimating PAR product at the ocean around Korean Peninsula with GOCI series

Author(s): Deuk-Jae Hwang, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (Korea, Republic of); Jing Tan, Robert Frouin, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (United States); Jae-Hyun Ahn, Kyeong-Sang Lee, Jong-Kuk Choi, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (Korea, Republic of)

13264-30 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Satellite-based mapping of mackerel habitat suitability in the exclusive economic zone of South Korea

Author(s): Doni Nurdiansah, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (Korea, Republic of), National Research and Innovation Agency (Indonesia), Univ. of Science and Technology (Korea, Republic of); Seon Ju Lee, Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies (United States); Deuk-Jae Hwang, Jong-Kuk Choi, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (Korea, Republic of)

13264-31 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Water column correction for coral reef habitat mapping using high spatial resolution remote sensing image technology

Author(s): Bara Samudra Syuhada, Korea Ocean Satellite Ctr., Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (Korea, Republic of), Univ. of Science and Technology (Korea, Republic of); Deuk-Jae Hwang, Korea Ocean Satellite Ctr., Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (Korea, Republic of); Taihun Kim, Jeju Marine Research Ctr., Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (Korea, Republic of); Jong-Kuk Choi, Korea Ocean Satellite Ctr., Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (Korea, Republic of), Univ. of Science and Technology (Korea, Republic of)

13264-32 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Inter-comparison with multi-year GOCI-II, MODIS, and VIIRS ocean color data

Author(s): Myung-Sook Park, Minsang Kim, Sun-Ju Lee, Jae-Hyun Ahn, Jong-Kuk Choi, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (Korea, Republic of)

13264-33 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PMCurrent calibration and validation status of the GOCI-II atmospheric correction

Author(s): Jae-Hyun Ahn, Kyeong-Sang Lee, Jeong-Eon Moon, Tai-Hyun Han, Minsang Kim, Myung-Sook Park, Su-Jung Bae, Eun-Kyung Lee, Eunna Jang, Sun-Ju Lee, Jong-Kuk Choi, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (Korea, Republic of)

13264-34 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PMTracking of floating materials on the ocean surface using multi-satellite images: a case study for the floating algae

Author(s): Tae-Ho Kim, Jae-Yeop Kwon, Kuk-Jin Kim, UST 21 Co., Ltd. (Korea, Republic of)

13265-18 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Short-range atmosphere measurements under adverse weather conditions by using 265-nm LED mini-lidar

Author(s): Yasuyuki Kawakami, Takumi Ikeda, Stanley Electric Co., Ltd. (Japan); Tatsuo Shiina, Chiba Univ. (Japan)

13265-19 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Visualization and quantitative evaluation of fog and smoke by using LD mini-lidar

Author(s): Yusuke Shida, Chiba Univ. (Japan); Masayuki Tanaka, Mitihiro Nakai, Masakazu Hanashima, OPT Gate Co., Ltd. (Japan); Tatsuo Shiina, Chiba Univ. (Japan)

13265-20 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Short-term behavior characterization of sea wave nearshore peaks through nonlinear analysis techniques

Author(s): Jazzie Jao, Prane Mariel Ong, Edgar Vallar, Maria Cecilia Galvez, De La Salle Univ. (Philippines); Tatsuo Shiina, Chiba Univ.(Japan)

13265-21 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Evaluation of a superconducting nanostrip single-photon detector for 2-μm DIAL application

Author(s): Makoto Aoki, Hironori Iwai, Seiji Kawamura, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (Japan);Fumihiro China, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan); Shigehito Miki, Hirotaka Terai, ToshikazuItabe, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (Japan)

13265-22 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PMObservation of the marine atmospheric boundary layer using shipborne Doppler wind lidar

Author(s): Roja Raman Mekalathur, Ctr. for Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology (India), Research Ctr. for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica (Taiwan); Wei-Nai Chen, Meng-Yuan Chen, Research Ctr. for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica (Taiwan); Po-Hsiung Lin, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan)

13266-20 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Applications of FORMOSAT satellite imagery in artificial intelligence and deep learning using QGIS module

Author(s): Min Che Hsieh, Yen Ling Lee, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan)

13266-21 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Thai crops detection using the integration of multi-sensor remote sensing data and an RNN hierarchical algorithm

Author(s): Noppadon Khiripet, Wongnaret Khantuwan, National Electronics and Computer Technology Ctr. (Thailand); Li-Yu Chang, Yi-Yun Hsu, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan)

13266-23 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Sharing image processing module in TWDC platform: using AI landslide application as an example

Author(s): Hsuan-Cheng Wei, Li-Yu Chang, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan)

13266-24 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Quick implementation of hyperspectral algorithms for spacecraft embedded FPGAs

Author(s): Borja Morcillo, Daniel Báscones, Carlos Gonzalez, Univ. Complutense de Madrid (Spain)

13266-25 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Onion mapping using PRISMA hyperspectral image: comparative analysis of K-means classification and linear spectral unmixing

Author(s): Reymar R. Diwa, Keith Ann E. Cabello, Philippine Space Agency (Philippines); Ariel C. Blanco, Philippine Space Agency(Philippines), Univ. of the Philippines Diliman (Philippines)

13266-26 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Automatic reference image selection and preparation for empirical model-based atmospheric corrections

Author(s): Tun-Yu Liao, Li-Yu Chang, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan)

13266-27 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Development and validation of radiometric calibration procedures for THEOS-1 satellite

Author(s): Kuo-Hsien Hsu, Yun-Shan Lee, Li-Yu Chang, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan); Prayot Puangjaktha, Saowanee Srichai,Siam Ruxnak, Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (Thailand)

13266-28 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Performance comparison of different algorithms for land surface temperature (LST) retrieval from Landsat-8 and the use of deepneural network regression to enhance the LST result (case study: Dallas, Texas and surrounding areas)

Author(s): Amalia Gita Ayudyanti, Ctr. for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central Univ. (Taiwan); Ying-Nong Chen, Ctr. for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central Univ. (Taiwan), National Central Univ. (Taiwan); Ilham Jamaluddin, National Central Univ. (Taiwan)

13266-29 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

The characterization of multispectral images of the Batangas coastline using machine learning and UAV imaging

Author(s): Steven Pe, Jazzie Jao, De La Salle Univ. (Philippines); Jumar Cadondon, De La Salle Univ. (Philippines), Univ. of the Philippines Visayas (Philippines); Prane Mariel Ong, Ofelia Rempillo, Maria Cecilia Galvez, Edgar A. Vallar, De La Salle Univ. (Philippines); Ibrahim Hameed, Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology (Norway)

13266-30 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Image resolution enhancing of Sentinel-2 red edge bands via Pléiades-1 multispectral data and fast convex deep learning

Author(s): Chia-Hsiang Lin, Si-Sheng Young, National Cheng Kung Univ. (Taiwan); Cynthia Liu, Li-Yu Chang, Tun-Yu Liao, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan)

13266-31 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

LEO edge AI platform of multispectral remote sensing

Author(s): Chih-Chieh Yang, Liscotech (Taiwan); Chia-Ray Chen, Kai-Sheng Chen, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan)

13266-32 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Research on surface feature change detection techniques based on semantic segmentation

Author(s): Yi Ting Zhang, Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology (China)

13266-33 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Application of Segment Anything Model (SAM) for optical-SAR fusion images to surface water body object extraction: a case studyusing KOMPSAT-3/3A and KOMPSAT-5 images

Author(s): Hayoung Lee, Hansung Univ. (Korea, Republic of); Kwangseob Kim, Kyungmin Univ. (Korea, Republic of); Kiwon Lee, Hansung Univ. (Korea, Republic of)

13266-34 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Design of a multispectral imaging system for unmanned aerial vehicles

Author(s): Ting-Ming Huang, Taiwan Instrument Research Institute, National Applied Research Labs. (Taiwan); Yu-Chun Lin, National Yunlin Univ. of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Yu-An Tsai, Cheng-Tang Chao, Ming-Fu Chen, Taiwan Instrument Research Institute (Taiwan)

13266-36 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Advancements in large-aperture optical systems: integrating multi-, hyper-, and ultra-spectral imaging technologies in Taiwan'ssatellite development

Author(s): Hsing-Yu Wu, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan); Jin-Cherng Hsu, Fu Jen Catholic Univ. (Taiwan); Li-Siang Shen, Taiwan SpaceAgency (TASA) (Taiwan); Shao-Rong Huang, National Central Univ. (Taiwan)

13266-37 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Leveraging remote sensing and cloud computing for assessing bushfire impacts on forest ecosystems

Author(s): Ramildo Passos, Xiaoye Liu, Zhenyu Zhang, Univ. of Southern Queensland (Australia)

13267-7 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Development of the FORMOSAT image product operation system

Author(s): Yen Ling Lee, Minche Hsieh, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan)

13267-22 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Alignment of reflective collimator with moving theodolites

Author(s): Ho-Lin Tsay, Taiwan Instrument Research Institute, National Applied Research Labs. (Taiwan); Hui-Jean Kuo, Ming-Fu Chen,Taiwan Instrument Research Institute (Taiwan)

13267-23 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Structural analysis of the optical payload for a remote-sensing low-Earth-orbit CubeSat

Author(s): Zhentang Zhao, Cheng-Fang Ho, Jun-Cheng Chen, Ming-Fu Chen, Taiwan Instrument Research Institute (Taiwan)

13267-24 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Development of a lower system noise temperature receiver for future 300-GHz band spaceborne radiometers

Author(s): Ryosuke Tamura, Toshiyuki Nishibori, Masatomo Harada, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (Japan)

13267-25 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Utilizing satellite remote-sensing and meteorological data to evaluate potential green-power sites inland and offshore of Taiwan

Author(s): Chih-Yen Wang, Ctr. for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central Univ. (Taiwan); Po-Chun Hsu, Ctr. for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central Univ. (Taiwan), Institute of Hydrological and Oceanic Sciences, National Central Univ. (Taiwan)

13267-26 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

A study of coastal waters at regional validation sites using observations from VIIRS, PACE, and EMIT

Author(s): Yan Bai, Annika Means, Wenhui Wang, Chun-Kai Hsu, Xi Shao, Univ. of Maryland, College Park (United States)

13267-27 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Optical ground station for applications of high-precision LEO remote-sensing and laser communications satellites

Author(s): Yih-Cherng Yen, Wen-Hsin Chen, Bo-Yan Chen, Bing-Chiao He, Chien-Yi Cheng, BaseTech Co., Ltd. (Taiwan); Chen-Joe Fong, Hsin-Chia Lin, Liang-Tang Chen, Ching-Wei Chen, Chen-Tsung Lin, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan); Huan-Shen Chen, Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung Univ. (Taiwan); Chia-Hao Chang, Yu-Hsuan Lin, Institute of Lighting and Energy Photonics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung Univ. (Taiwan); Chien-Hsi Lin, Yen-Fu Chen, Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung Univ. (Taiwan); Chun-Ting Lin, Institute of Communications Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung Univ. (Taiwan)

13267-28 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Does the downscaling resolution maximise the applicability of satellite derived soil moisture?

Author(s): Mohd Nadzri Md Reba, Fong Chi Chan, Univ. Teknologi Malaysia (Malaysia); Pui Boon Hean, Aizat Syamim Mustapha, MIE Industrial Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia); M. Shahrul A., M. Shukri Zainal Abidin, Univ. Teknologi Malaysia (Malaysia)

13267-29 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Long short-term memory (LSTM) deep-learning-based prediction of sensor performance time series for improved VIIRS reflectivesolar band calibration

Author(s): Tung-Chang Liu, Xi Shao, Univ. of Maryland, College Park (United States); Taeyoung Choi, Global Science & Technology, Inc. (United States)

13267-30 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Optical performance assessment of an optical payload

Author(s): Hui-Jean Kuo, Taiwan Instrument Research Institute (Taiwan)

13267-31 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Development of the FORMOSAT-8 planning and scheduling system: system process design for tasking requirements

Author(s): Pin Yi Lee, Yu Lin Kuo, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan)

13267-32 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

An update to the calibration algorithm of the MODIS PV LWIR bands for collections 6.1 and 7 to improve long-term records

Author(s): Carlos L. Pérez Díaz, Hanzhi Lin, Tiejun Chang, Aisheng Wu, Science Systems and Applications, Inc. (United States); Xiaoxiong Xiong, NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr. (United States)

13267-33 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Imager lens design for star sensor in the Faraday Dragon rideshare mission

Author(s): Sheng-Feng Lin, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan)

13267-34 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Determination of the best focus position of Formosat-8

Author(s): Shih-Fang Liao, Tse Li, Shenq-Tsong Chang, Po-Ming Lin, Chun-Chieh Lien, Po-Hsuan Huang, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA)(Taiwan)

13267-35 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Absolute radiometric calibration and time-series analysis using Sentinel-1A

Author(s): Y.-C. Chou, T.-H. Liao, National Taipei Univ. of Technology (Taiwan); Kuo-Hsien Hsu, Yu-Lin Tsai, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan)

13267-36 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Implementation the design for manufacturability of spaceborne telescope for remote sensing instruments in the FORMOSA-8satellite program

Author(s): Sheng-Feng Lin, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan)

13267-37 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Advanced Space-grade black treatments for superior stray-light management in telescope optical-mechanical surfaces

Author(s): Chun-Han Chou, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan)

13267-38 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Advancements in large-aperture optical systems for submeter-resolution remote-sensing satellites: overcoming technical andregulatory challenges

Author(s): Hsing-Yu Wu, Chang-Shiu Jiang, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan)

13268-21 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Validation of equatorial plasma bubbles position around Taiwan Region: using FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 and GNSS ground receivers

Author(s): Huei-Wen Siao, I-Te Lee, Jyun-Ying Huang, Hsu-Hui Ho, Central Weather Administration (Taiwan)

13268-22 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Determination on precipitable water vapor from ground-based GNSS and COSMIC-2 radio occultation over Taiwan

Author(s): Ta-Kang Yeh, Tzu-Yi Lien, National Taipei Univ. (Taiwan); Ya-Ting Tsai, Jing-Shan Hong, Central Weather Administration (Taiwan); Shu-Chih Yang, National Central Univ. (Taiwan)

13268-23 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Comparsion of wave height between Triton, Bouy, and ECMWF

Author(s): Chao-Yen Chen, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan); Jing-Shan Hong, Central Weather Administration (Taiwan); Wen-Hao Yeh, Yung-Fu Tsai, Chen-Tsung Lin, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) (Taiwan)

13268-24 • 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Long-term variations of the precipitable water vapor above selected sites in Uzbekistan

Author(s): Yusufjon A. Tillayev, Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences (Uzbekistan)

2-5 December, 2024
Kaohsiung, Taiwan